
Journey Into the Brain

Journey Into the Brain
Game Title:
Journey Into the Brain

By the end of this game, kids will gain a new understanding and respect for their own growing brains. The game was funded by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health’s Small Business Innovation Research Program and produced with the technical assistance of two highly respected neuroscientists.

Part 1 is a story-game which brings alive concepts of brain structure and function with a brainscape populated by unique characters, all designed to help discover why 11-year-old
Celeste Jackson is acting strangely. Twelve landscapes and sixteen characters, representing diverse facets of brain structure and function, provide the backdrop for the journey. Your guide and vehicle is a very special computer mouse named Mac'N, who uses nanotechnology
to shrink you for travel into Celeste's brain. During your voyage, you collect bits of memory that are scattered throughout the various parts of the brain. Problem-solving becomes more complex as the game goes on. Part 2 consists of activities with multiple skill levels that inspire repeat play. These mini games include Audio Adventures, a Creativity Center, the Garden of the Senses, Save your Brain, and Brain Circuit Central, and Brainy Tunes. Part 3, The Brainarium, is a multimedia treasure chest of information.